Thursday, September 3, 2009

President to Address the Children

Gary P.
Published 09/03/2009 - 9:40 a.m. CST
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Obama to address all U.S. School Children on September 8, 2009 Slide Show

Sounds rather ominous, doesn’t it?
Well, frankly, if this was anyone but Barack Obama, I wouldn’t give it a second thought, although, one has to wonder what the reaction would be if this was George W Bush or Sarah Palin doing this instead of the “Dear Leader.”
On September 8, Barack Obama will address every school kid in America, reason number 216 to home school. Obama has already sent out an agenda for the teachers to follow.
President Obama’s Address to Students Across America September 8, 2009
Again, on the surface, not all that ominous, but this is Barack Obama we are talking about here, a committed communist who was mentored from the tender age of 10 years old by communist Frank Marshall Davis. This is Barack Obama who, in his books, says he sought our Marxist radicals in college as well as the Marxist professors. Those were his people.
This is a guy who has surrounded himself with communist radicals all throughout his adult life. From violent terrorists like Bill Ayers, to the current group of “advisers” like Van Jones, Mark Lloyd, Cass Sunstein, Dr Ezeikiel Emanuel, and others. All of this bunch have a few things in common. They are all self described communists and they all absolutely hate America in her current form.
Now another troubling thing about this deal, is people like terrorist Bill Ayers and his wife Bernardine Dohrn, a convicted felon, are considered “respected intellectuals” in academia. They are held up examples of the way it should be.
Ayers and Obama worked very closely on two “educational foundations” where they doled out millions of dollars to left wing subversive groups like ACORN, for “education.”
Dr. Stanley Kurtz, a Senior Fellow at the Ethics & Public Policy Center, has written extensively about this, and if you want to understand this situation better, click here.
We know Obama spent his early career at ACORN training the rent-a-mobs in the finer art of Saul Alinsky’s “Rules For Radicals” a communist manifesto for “community organizing”, and a book Alinsky dedicated to Lucifer (the devil) who he called “the first radical.”
So it is not any stretch to say that Barack Obama is a communist and a true believer. Everything this guy has done points to his attempt to set up a permanent communist state here in America, replacing our Representative Republic.
Using the youth of a nation, polluting their minds with communist and socialist ideas is a proven tactic, that works and works well. Look at groups like PETA and the enviro-crazies. They work overtime trying to influence your children. They want your children to put pressure on you to change your ways.
How many times have your kids worn you out about global warming?
Not only are the kids bombarded with propaganda at school but even children’s cartoons are full of it. The great shows we grew up with, like “Bugs Bunny” and “Tom and Jerry”, have been replaced with “Captain Planet!” Almost all children's programming has a heavy dose of left wing ideology intermingled throughout their story lines.
Nothing wrong with caring about the earth, or anything else, but let kids be kids, they will be worrying about life soon enough!
The communists won’t let your kids alone though. They understand this is the most effective way to change society. The communist is patient. They have been trying to take over America for 100 years. They understand that we all die at some point, and the old ideas can be left to die out as well, replaced with their idea of society.
This, is a great time to remind folks of what Ronald Reagan had to say about this:
“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.” – Ronald Reagan
Words to live by, for sure.
In North Korea school children are taught about the “Dear Leader.” They sing songs of praise.

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